Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Assignment Reflections:
1. Introduction Video
            The introduction video was a little weird at first because I do not like to video myself or talk about myself. It made it more awkward when we had to do it in groups. I did not learn anything I did not already know about shooting a video and uploading it onto the blog. It was easy to find the video icon on a new blog post. However, I did have to e-mail each of people in my group their video because we took all the videos on my phone. I think that introduction videos are a great way to introduce yourself to the parents of your students. It lets the teachers know who you are and it allows them to get a visual of your face before they meet you in person. Introduction videos are a great assignment for students to do also. It teaches them how to make a video and upload a video onto the computer or particular website. Videos can be used for a variety of assignments like reading a speech, a poem, doing a project for history, or other activities involving speech and movement. The NETS-T Standard that went with this assignment was:
            2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
                Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments
                incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in
                context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS-S.
                        a. design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and
                            resources to promote student learning and creativity.
 2. TED Video
            The TED videos we watched in class, especially John Hunter’s “The World Peace Game,” were very interesting. Before this class, I had only heard of TED one time. The first video I watched was this past summer. I am glad this class introduced me to many different videos on TED. I like how these videos are short and talk about real world issues because it keeps your attention the entire time. In John Hunter’s video, I learned the important and real impact of using hands-on activities in the classroom because students become more intrigued in learning and want to learn more about a certain subject. John Hunter proved that through his World Peace Game. I think this game is very beneficial for all students. It allows students to learn about our world in a hands-on way instead of from lectures and facts out of a book. I believe that students learn better through interaction than lecture. Children are able to learn about the world problems at an early age and that draws the students into the worldly problems and they will most likely become more interested in the future. The World Peace Game educates children on the important facts of our world. Teachers have to bring real life/world into children's perspective. John Hunter’s ideas can easily be integrated into the classroom. Not only will I use the hands-on approach for certain activities, but I will show some of the TED videos to my students and educate them on some of the problems that are faced in our world. The NETS-T Standard that went with this assignment was:
            1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
                Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology
                to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in
                both face-to-face and virtual environments.
                        b. Engage students in exploring real-world issues and solving authentic problems
                            using digital tools and resources
3. Concept Map
            The concept map was one of my favorite assignments in this class. It was so beneficial and will defiantly be implemented into my future teaching. I learned how to properly set up a concept make on the program, Inspiration. I loved how easy it was to organize the entire concept map. I also loved that an outline of the concept map was provided. An outline would be a great way for teachers to refer to and stay on track when explaining a concept map. It was so easy to import links to worksheets or pictures. I think the hardest part of this assignment was importing a video link into one of the sections of the concept map. I had to get one of my peers to show me the correct way to import it so that I could just click on the link and it would go straight to the website. I have already used some of the knowledge I learned from this assignment in some of my other education classes when I’ve had to make a concept map. I will defiantly use Inspiration in my future teaching. Concept maps are a great tool to use for younger students to refer to when learning. They can be complex or simple depending on the age of the students. It can be something teachers make or an assignment for students to make on a certain subject. The NETS-T Standard that went with this assignment was:
            1. Facilitate and Inspire Student Learning and Creativity
                Teachers use their knowledge of subject matter, teaching and learning, and technology
                to facilitate experiences that advance student learning, creativity, and innovation in
                both face-to-face and virtual environments.
                        c. Promote student reflection using collaborative tools to reveal and clarify
                            students’ conceptual understanding and thinking, planning, and creative
            2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
                Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments
                incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in
                context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS-S.
                        b. Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to
                            pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting
                            their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their
                            own progress
            3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning
                Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative     professional in a global and digital society
                        c. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents,                                 and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats
4. Do Not Track Me
            I did not do this assignment because honestly, I did not feel comfortable putting the “Do Not Track Me” on my computer. When I first tried it, it would not work on the Google browser. Then I tried Firefox and it still did not work. I went to class the next day to see if it worked on my classmates’ computers. Some said it did and some said it didn’t. For the ones who did use it on their computer, they mentioned that they had trouble getting it off their computer or turning “Do Not Track Me” off. After I heard that I did not want to put anything else that could harm my computer. The NETS-T Standard that went with this assignment was:
           4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
               Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving       digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices.
                        a. Advocate, model, and teach safe, legal, and ethical use of digital information                                 and technology, including respect for copyright, intellectual property, and the
                            appropriate documentation of sources

5. Augmented Reality
           This article was a big shock to me, but I feel like it should not have been that surprising because technology is so common within classrooms now. I learned that augmented reality uses technology to blend the real world with interactive and enhanced content. This enhances the normal scene of whatever is being looked at. Students are able to use an iPad and hover over an object which will then connect them to videos or websites that further elaborate on that object. These apps allow students to get a first person perspective on whatever is being taught. IT is really neat how this can work and be used in the classroom. I think augmented reality apps are a great asset to the classroom. They will help students have a better and deeper understanding of a certain topic. It will also help incorporate technology into different lessons. Augmented reality is something that I will defiantly look into for my future classroom. I think it would be good for history and science subjects. It will be something I will have to explore myself before I let my students try it because there is no telling what will show up on the internet. This would not only help students, but also teachers as they prepare lessons. I do believe that it will become more and more popular and schools all over as well as other businesses will be using augmented reality. The NETS-T Standard that went with this assignment was:
           4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
                Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving       digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices.
                        b. Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies                                  providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources

6. Voki
            Making my own Voki was really fun. I learned how to design my own Voki, pick a voice, and include any text I wanted it to say. The Voki was not hard to do at all. There were so many different options that could fit to different scenarios. I think the toughest part was choosing what I wanted mine to look like because there were so many choices. Obviously I fixed this by choosing a Voki that looked like me with more of a teacher look. This would be a great feature to add to a class website. Teachers could create an introduction of themselves before the school year begins and change what the Voki says throughout the year. It would be good to have weekly reminders for parents and students and let the parents know of any big and important events coming up in class or at school. A Voki could also be used to read poems, books, or any other text to students. Technology teachers could also teach their students how to create a Voki as an introduction of themselves. They could let their Voki play in front of the classroom as a way to introduce themselves or say something interesting about themselves. The NETS-T Standard that went with this assignment was:
            3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning
                Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative     professional in a global and digital society.
                        c. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents,                                 and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats

7. Web 2.0 Sites (include my 2 websites)
            Although the presentations of this assignment took two weeks to complete, all the websites presented were very helpful for a future classroom. My first website was Penzu. It is basically a journal. It can be great for taking notes or writing a personal journal. It has almost all the features of Microsoft Word. You can also print off your journal entries if you want. This website would be great to use in the classroom as a way for students to keep up with a journal on their progress. You could have the students do several journal entries and print them off to be handed in for the teacher to get feedback on their academic progress. My second website was iCloud. I did not know that iCloud had its own website that can be accessed through your own iCloud account. Pages is just like Microsoft Word, Numbers is just like Microsoft Excel, and Keynote is just like Microsoft PowerPoint. Each of these sections had great templates for letters, reports, gradebooks, and PowerPoints. I think my favorite was the gradebook template under Numbers. This could defiantly be used in my future classroom. It was very organized and easy to follow. This assignment provided me with some great resources for my future classroom. I learned about some websites to make concept maps, blogs, and reliable search engines for students. The NETS-T Standards that went with this assignment were:
            4. Promote and Model Digital Citizenship and Responsibility
                Teachers understand local and global societal issues and responsibilities in an evolving       digital culture and exhibit legal and ethical behavior in their professional practices.
                        b. Address the diverse needs of all learners by using learner-centered strategies                                  providing equitable access to appropriate digital tools and resources
            5. Engage in Professional Growth and Leadership
                Teachers continuously improve their professional practice, model lifelong learning,                         and exhibit leadership in their school and professional community by promoting and                     demonstrating
                        c. Evaluate and reflect on current research and professional practice on a regular
                            basis to make effective use of existing and emerging digital tools and resources
                            in support of student learning the effective use of digital tools and resources.

8. Website
            I did not know you could make a website under Google until this assignment. I defiantly learned a lot of new things about creating a website. This assignment was very rushed on time and I feel like I could have done a lot better on my website if I had more time to play around with the many options provided. The hardest part of this assignment was trying to put my pages in an organized set up. The website would not let me change the order of my pages after I made them. That was a little frustrating, but it turned out okay. Knowing that you can develop your own website on Google makes it very easy and accessible for teachers to make their own websites for their classrooms. I would make a website for my classroom to upload announcements and any files that are important for parents and students. Technology is so dominate now that a website is a great way to stay in contact with the parents of your students.  The NETS-T Standards that went with this assignment were:
            2. Design and Develop Digital-Age Learning Experiences and Assessments
                Teachers design, develop, and evaluate authentic learning experiences and assessments
                incorporating contemporary tools and resources to maximize content learning in
                context and to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes identified in the NETS-S.
                        b. Develop technology-enriched learning environments that enable all students to
                            pursue their individual curiosities and become active participants in setting
                            their own educational goals, managing their own learning, and assessing their
                            own progress
            3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning
                Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative     professional in a global and digital society.
                        c. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents,                                 and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats

9. Movie
            I really enjoyed making a short movie about an experience that means a lot to me. I have never made a movie before, so everything was very new to me. I learned how to import pictures, import music, create captions, and put animations on my pictures. I loved how my movie turned out. The hardest part about this assignment was making sure I had all my pictures saved correctly so that my entire movie would not get deleted. I learned this the hard way. Luckily, I had all my pictures saved on a flash drive. The only way I could fix this problem was to start over. I had not done too much work on my previous movie, but it still took a lot of time because I had to start over from the beginning. Making a movie is a great technology tool to integrate into a classroom. A short movie could be made about any subject, introducing facts and showing pictures. I would also let my students create a short video about a memorable experience and present it to the class like our class did. It is a great way for students to have a chance to shine in the class and let their peers learning something new about them. The NETS-T Standard that went with this assignment was:
            3. Model Digital Age Work and Learning
                Teachers exhibit knowledge, skills, and work processes representative of an innovative     professional in a global and digital society.
                        c. Communicate relevant information and ideas effectively to students, parents,                                 and peers using a variety of digital age media and formats

Course Reflection:
            At the beginning of this course, I did not know exactly what to expect. My idea of this class was that we would be learning how to use Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access more effectively and efficiently. I thought it was connected to the BTLE, but clearly I was wrong. This class much more exciting and interactive than I thought it would be. The articles we read increased my knowledge of the Common Core State Standards. I knew a little bit about the CCSS from some of my previous education classes, but in this class I got a better understanding of the standards and the positive and negatives it is having on the education system right now.  The articles really showed how the rise of technology is being implemented within the Common Core State Standards. I think all the articles we read during the semester were interesting and related to some kind of technology in the classroom. I learned how to be more careful and cautious when using the internet, especially in front of students.  There is no telling what will show up when you use a search engine. One of the most useful things I got out of this class was all the websites we were shown. There were so many useful websites for teachers. A lot of the websites were free to sign up and provided great resources for teachers of all grades. One of the most favorite assignments we did in class was making our own movie. I have made a movie before when I was in middle school but not on the program we were using. I think I liked it so much because we got to connect it to something we did in our life that we enjoyed. Students would have a great time making their own video or making a video as a group about a certain subject. There were so many helpful facts and discussions in this class that really broadened my knowledge of how technology can and is used in the classroom. The only part I did not like about the class was how long it took us to present projects. For example, presenting the websites we were assigned took a lot longer than it should of taken. It made it hard to concentrate for each person’s website, especially when a lot of them were very similar, but I did find some great websites to use in my future teaching career. The only thing to improve in this class is the time management of the class. It is already really fun because we are using all sorts of technology. Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed the semester in this class. I know understand how important it is to incorporate technology is in the classroom. Students learn better that way because it interests them. Technology is already growing faster than we can imagine and it is going to be an important part of the school system and teachers are going to have to learn to teach safe and effective technology skills to their students.   

Sunday, December 1, 2013

#24: SAMR and LMS

     SAMR stands for Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition Model. It is a method for seeing how computer technology might impact teaching and learning. I think that teachers need to be educated on the many different types of computer technology so that we can implement them into our classrooms and teach our students how to use computer technology appropriately and efficiently. But as teachers teach students, in turn teachers need to be taught from other professionals on how to best have their work fit into the SAMR model. As for LMS, which stands for Learning Management System, teachers have to be educated on this as well. They must learn how to organize, operate and teach in an LMS environment. Too many classes, especially in college, are being taught through on online course setting. Online classes are only going to continue to be more popular and teachers and other administrators will have to know the ends and outs about LMS environments in order to better the teaching and learning of their students. Educators have to face the fact that times are changing and we, as teachers, have to change and keep up with the technological society we live in.

#26: "A Conversation With A Bad Teacher"

     The article begins with a brief story of John Owens, a magazine publisher, who decided to go back to school to be hired as a writing teacher. His experience was not what he expected and he only lasted a year teaching. The experiences Owens faced led him to publish a book called "Confessions of a Bad Teacher: The Shocking Truth From the Front Lines of American Public Education." Owens said in his interview that the school he was teaching at in South Bronx in New York City was run by data, making the kids look like they were learning. He said that the school was adding up bogus points to make it look like the kids were passing so that they would graduate. In Owens book, he called himself a bad teacher because the school administrators said that only good teachers could solve all the problems that their students face. Owens said that he got criticized for trying to bring consistency to his classroom and believing that some of the stories his students were writing were their real life stories and when he would try to approach his student's stories to the social workers, they wouldn't listen. Owens mentions that he wrote this book to help parents understand what the teachers in their communities face and how their children are being taught at school.
     I am glad Owens stood up and did something about his experience teaching instead of continually letting the school administration run him over. I agree with him in that not everyone knows what school teachers go through on a daily basis. I really liked where he mentioned in his interview that kids just want someone to talk to and listen to them. Kids say a lot of things about their home/personal life that teachers need to be aware of and when Owens tried to bring this to the school's social workers attention, he got shot down. These kind of things should never happen in a school. Teachers are their to teacher their students the things they will need to know and students are there to learn what they need to know and the administration defiantly does not need to be adding in bogus numbers to their system to make it look like their students are learning and passing just to get a better graduation rate. That's just wrong.

Saturday, November 30, 2013

#25: Kid's Can't Compute - And That's A Problem

    Mike Elgan, author of "Kids Can't Compute - And That's A Problem," says that kids are not as "tech savvy" as older people. He says that as more young people enter the workforce they know less about computers and the Internet. The "tech savvy" generation ranges between the ages 25-55, Elgan states. The older generation knows about the basic facts of computers, while the younger generation does not have the knowledge, awareness or skill about computers today. The younger generation understands and focuses on applications that the older generation has never heard of. Younger generations turn to an app or Internet-based service to fix any problems. Elgan says that "this is just a cause-and-effect reality. The cause is that computers are now super-easy to use and getting easier all the time. The effect is that newer computers don't require skills or knowledge about how computers and networks function." The article ends by suggesting a solution and that solution is to help the younger generation become educated on the basic skills of computers.
    Mike Elgan has a great point to his article. I defiantly agree that they younger generation, which includes me, does not know the basic skills of computers. I have no idea how to build a PC or troubleshoot networking issues, much less build a complex Web site. My generation has been handed the easy way around the basics of computers. We have everything we need to look up something literally at our finger prints. I think that the more technology grows the harder it is going to be to educate kids on the proper skills of computers. Educating the younger generation is a good solution, but I think if it is not implemented in the right way now then it will never fix the problem of the younger generation and their knowledge about computers and the Internet.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

#23: Web 2.0 Sites

*Mindmeister: (not free- demo only)
The benefits of mindmeister is being able to make a concept map. You can also make a slide show of your concept map so that not so much information is being displayed to students at one time.

Spiderscribe.net: (free)
The benefits of spiderscribe is being able to create a concept map. You can insert images, dates, word document, and location. This is helpful for business purposes for planning out events. This has very limited visual aspects. This could be beneficial for the teacher when planning a lesson plan.

Bubbl.us: (free)
The benefits of bubbl.us is being able to create a concept map. You can make sub-topics and import pictures. This is very useful for younger aged children.

lionit.com: (free)
The benefits for lino are you can create boards with post notes, calendars, due dates, word documents, etc. There is an app for this site. More useful for the teacher than students. Can be useful for students to put group work on a board.

Photobucket: (free to upload a certain amount)
The benefits of photobucket are uploading photos and videos. Similar to pinterest and instagram. You can make it private.

Quintura kids:
The benefits of this site is a search engine. It would limit kids from finding information that they my not need to find.

The benefits of this site is a search engine. It has a filter bubble. Helps students search the internet with reliable resources.

The benefit is a search engine for kids and teens.

teacher and students can post comments

The benefits are students can share questions and comments or the teacher can post questions and comments for the teacher to see. Students can like comments. This site is good for older students.

It has different subjects to search for. Like a google search but safe for kids with reliable information.

concept map and search engine. shows key facts, web sites, videos, pictures about a certain topic you search. You can develop quizzes and have a journal

User friendly search engine

a good summary of articles in Wiki. Very organized site of information you want to search

combination of pinterest and conept map. It can connect you straight to the home page site of whatever you are looking for

search engine

online posterboards; timelines, class projects;

can record and edit music, speeches, etc. is free when you download

create and share videos; can search videos like youtube; it is a free website with an optional upgrade

can follow blogs, search a topic for blogs about that topic; has a lot more aspects than Blogger

can take notes while in class; can search within any document that you have to bring up similar documents

like google images, free to download, can download different sizes of images; search engine for pictures; anybody can use these pictures and are okay to use

can share information with others, like teachers; you can create groups

can insert images and cut out the mout to record something you want to be said. Teachers can use it for their classroom or school projects.

can make charts or concept maps

can upload pictures and videos; like a collage; can change the different styles of pictures and videos; can make a presentation

Book Builder:
can create your own books, can change book langauge or grade level, can insert text and images and illustrations

can make own websites and blogs; free; can put in audio and videos; also has a slideshow figure

ACMI: Storyboard Generator:
provides videos and personal stories about events;

*Tagul Clouds:
free; like Wordle but not as limited; there are different kinds of shapes and you can make them themed

basically a Facebook for teachers; did communities you can click on pertaining to different subjects

free website; can create quizzes, test, and games for students and you can create your own class and the students can get on

just like iTunes podcast; can post lectures; audio and video

can make comic strips;

free; can create charts

Monday, November 18, 2013

#22: Educause Sprint 2013

     The article about the EDUCAUSE Sprint 2013 sums up Webinar presenters and other participates ideas regarding MOOC's (massive open online courses). Higher education has been pressured for years to change some of its costs, its services, adapt new technologies, become more diverse, etc. Some of the most significant challenges higher education faces is today's students area different generation of learners and technology is expected anytime and anywhere because it is almost the new form of communication. According to some, the past year has been "the Year of the MOOC." The article says that about half of the participates believe that MOOCs are significant for higher education, while the other half are not sure. The uprising of MOOCs have the potential to change higher education's pedagogical model by creating new types of connected, interactive learning experiences. Also, it has been mentioned that MOOCs may have to start charging to generate revenue.  The entire atmosphere of a university community will change due to the implications of the MOOCs and institutions will need to rethink their IT infrastructure and IT services. The article ended with presenters strongly encouraging institutions to begin taking action to understand MOOCs.
     This article was very interesting but also a little scary to think about how much technology is taking over the higher educational system. There has already been a small shift of change of putting a lot of education resources online, but I can't imagine what it will be like in a few years. The article was so true when it said that today's students are a different generation because we have been raised on so much technology and that is the way we have learned to communicate to others. This article defiantly showed how education is moving from an information age to a connected age, and probably a lot faster than some expected.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

#20: How Common Core in Action: How Two Science Teachers are Implementing Common Core

     The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) are primarily focused around English Language Arts and Mathematics, but more science and art teachers are incorporating the CCSS into their lessons. The article explains in detail how two science teachers used different reading and writing skills in their science lessons. Both teachers wanted their students to write an argumentative report on a certain science topic, but reading and writing the report had English Language Art standards from the CCSS. The students were able to be engaged in their science topic but also work on their reading and writing skills.
     I think it is very important for science and art teachers to incorporate some of the skills mentioned in the CCSS into their lessons. If you think about it, language arts and math can easily be used in science topics and language arts can easily be used in art topics. Just because a certain subject is not mentioned in the CCSS does not mean teachers of all subjects can't incorporate what is already written for students in each grade to learn. Teachers need to be educated on how they can properly use the CCSS in all subjects. Reading and writing is used in everything, as well as math, so it wouldn't hurt students to get more practice in each of those areas.

#19: "Evolving Classroom Education: Where is K-12 Technology Headed"

     In Matthew Lynch's article, "Evolving Classroom Education: Where is K-12 Technology Headed?" explains how technology has taken over the style of learning in K-12 classrooms. He lists ways technology is used within in the classroom. With BYOD (Bring Your Own Device), teachers are allowing students to use their electronic devices in the classroom. NUI (natural user interface) has evolved to help students learn through body movement. This has helped students with different disabilities learn better. PLEs (personal learning environments) is completely student centered and allows the students to choose resources they want to learn about. Lynch says that so much technology is being implemented into the classroom and soon "teachers and administrators [will] need a second full-time job in the technology sector in order to keep up with electronic classroom culture." Schools will have to adapt to these technology advancements fast and at all cost.

     This article goes to show how much technology is changing and how fast it is impacting the classroom. Soon, schools will have no choice but to turn to all forms of technology. I feel like every student will have to own some sort of Tablet or device that can always be taken to school and used in the classroom. It is going to be a huge shift for teachers too. Teachers are going to have to become more educated on the technological advancements being put into school systems because if the teachers no not know how to properly use the equipment, then the students will not be taught properly either. Technology is moving and it is moving fast, so schools are going to have to step it up even faster to keep up with all the new advancements that students will start learning from on a regular basis.

Friday, October 18, 2013

#17: Bullying

I think that bullying within schools has increased, but also a lot of bullying between students and teachers goes unnoticed. A lot of children are afraid to speak up if they are being bullied because they do not want to look like a "tattle-tale" or feel threatened anymore by the person who is bullying them. Boys and girls defiantly have a different way of expressing their bullying to others. Boys are more aggressive, while girls tend to use verbal language. Society today has put such an impression of how you should look and act in high school to be considered "cool" while everyone else gets made fun or/bullied if they do not meet those certain expectations. It is said that society has come to this point because we are all human and we are all the same. No one is better than someone else, and I think kids have difficulty getting this concept. To help prevent bullying in my classroom, I will teach my students what bullying is and the different types of bullying there are. Also, if they see any bullying or are being bullied themselves they should report it to their teacher or parents. I would love my students to walk out of my classroom knowing that they are no better than their peers next to them. I believe that a lot of bulling begins with the parents not communicate with their children or giving them the proper attention they need. When this starts to happen, children rebel against their parents because their parents ultimately do not care, therefore their children begin to hang out with people who may not be the best influence on their lives. If this starts to happen in my classroom, I would have a teacher-parent conference to see what is going on with the student at home and ways parents could become more apparent in their child's life to stop a bullying behavior. As of right now, I do not know how to handle every situation of bullying and it is going to be a learning process when I get into the classroom.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

#16 Augmented Reality Snags a Coveted Spot in Classrooms

     This article focuses on augmented reality apps which are becoming more popular in all aged classrooms. Author Laura Devaney says, "Augmented reality uses technology to blend the real world with interactive and enhanced content." This enhances the normal scene of whatever is being looked at. Students are able to use an iPad and hover over an object which will then connect them to videos or websites that further elaborate on that object. One teacher who uses augmented reality apps in her classroom says, "Students can explore, and they really dig deeper into their own learning." Students become engaged in their learning without even realizing it. These apps allow students to get a first person perspective on whatever is being taught. Lastly, augmented reality is becoming more accessible and is available in general and specialized formats.
     I think augmented reality apps are a great asset to the classroom. They will help students have a better and deeper understanding of a certain topic. It will also help incorporate technology into different lessons. I downloaded the app "Layar" which allows you to scan anything with a Layar logo, such as magazines, newspapers, books, product packages, and other items. This app also allows you to scan QR codes. It also has this new thing where you can scan movie posters to see current releases or to watch the trailer.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

#15 Five Essentials To Create Connected Students

     This article makes some great points on how students should be educated if they are connected to anything online. Author Vicki Davis states, "...being connected isn't just for socializing; it's a life skill." Students need to learn the routes of the internet before they jump into the newest types of social media. There are essential skills for connecting that students need to know. First, Davis talks about a connected author. Students need to know how to write and communicate appropriately online. Second is a connected publisher. Students should upload some of their academic works online rather than only personal information. They need to start learning to be more professional. The third essential is a connected conversationalist. Students need to use their skills of making conversation and make their voice heard. Fourth is a strategic disconnector. While technology can be very addicting, students need to learn the appropriate times to put down their phones or shut off their computers. Everyone must find that happy medium of being connected but disconnecting when appropriate. The last essential is a curious, lifelong pursuer of ingenious solutions. Students need to learn to be creative and learn new things when using programs online. Schools must make time for investing and programming and using technology in order for students to be trained properly for this online world we live in.
      I liked this article because it was not making all positive points or all negative points on connected students. It is true that not all students are connected. Some may not be able to afford it while others may choose to stay disconnected. Whatever the situation, teachers must be careful what they ask their students to do or expect them to do regarding technology. All the essentials for a well-connected student that Davis mentioned were very accurate. I defiantly agree that students need to learn how to communicate appropriately online. Sloppy writers are not acceptable when someone publishes anything online for people to see. Also, I loved how Davis said, "While connecting is important, disconnecting is essential." I agree to this statement because when I went to the Philippines for two months I had no communication at all. Because I was completely disconnected from my life back in America, I was able to form the best friends and have the most sincere conversations with people. I did not have technology distracting me. I'm not going to lie, it was great being disconnected from the internet. It is important that everyone finds that balance of being connected and disconnect, but it is also important that when students or anyone for that matter are connected need to be smart and publish appropriate things.

Monday, October 7, 2013

#14 21st Century Skills: Why They Matter, What They Are, and How We Get There

    The article describes how the world around us is changing. Technology has advanced in so many different ways and is taking over manual labor and routine task. The authors proclaims that without learning the 21st century skills people will not succeed. Schools have not switched over to this change yet and students are not getting the proper education to make it in the real world. These 21st century skills consist of critical thinking and problem solving and these skills power out economy. Other countries are figuring out the 21st century skills and are catching up on our dominance in technology. The Partnership for 21st Century Learning has developed frameworks for a new educational system that will teach students to compete and use appropriate skills. These frameworks focus on the outcomes. The article states that students will be prepared in the skills to think, learn, work, solve problems, communicate, collaborate, contribute throughout their lives. Also students are going to be expected to learn these new skills: creativity and innovation, flexibility and adaptability, and leadership and cross cultural skills. Students will be expected to do more in school and almost learn on their own. Some states have instilled the 21st century skills into their educational systems while others are still waiting.
     I think the article holds a lot of truth! Technology and the way things are being run in our world today are changing and education needs to change also. Students need to learn the new 21st century skills in order to do well in the work field. Systems aren't as plain and simple as they used to be. Now students are having to do a lot of thinking themselves. Not only do students need to be aware of these skills, but the teachers who are teaching students of the 21st century need to know exactly what those skills are and be knowledgeable of how to teach them to their students. As much as we want the government, economy, and education systems to stay the same, they just aren't going to. New things will be invented and more people will be coming up with ideas to better run these systems. It is up to the educational professionals, states, school staff, and teachers to stay on top of these changes and new skills in order to keep the American education system caught up with the rest of the world so that students will not be behind or confused when they get into the real world.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

#13: Why Tough Teachers Get Good Results

This article explains how writer Joanne Lipman's music teacher, Mr. Jerry Kupchynsky, was extremely tough on them in class. Lipman says they would practice over and over again, but while it sucked at the time, it paid off in the future. Mr. Kupchynsky may of been harsh on his students, but his teaching strategies were effective. Lipman shares eight principles inspired by his former teacher. First: a little pain is good for you, meaning that students need constructive, even painful, feedback. Secondly: drill, baby, drill. Teachers need to drill their students with facts so that the students memorize fact and become fluent in them. Thirdly: failure is an option. Students learn from their mistakes and moments of failure and it also does not hurt their self-esteem as much as people say it does. Fourthly: strict is better than nice. When teachers are more strict on their students, the students will realize they need to work harder. Fifthly, creativity can be learned. Students are not born geniuses, they become smarter through their experiences and creativity. Sixthly, grit trumps talent. Seventhly, praise makes you weak. Students always need to be pushed harder in their abilities. Lastly, while stress makes your strong. Teachers need to instill confidence in their students so that their students will have the faith in themselves to do better. His strategies may not be the best for all teachers and students, but his strategies do show discipline.

In my opinion, Mr. Kupchynsky's teaching strategy was effective in many ways. Although his students categorized him as "strict", he instilled discipline into his students. I liked how one of his former students wrote this article because it shows that although his class was hard, he was a memorable teacher. Teachers need to be tough on their students. I agree that some teaching strategies need to go back to the old-fashion education. To some extent, teaching these days has become to lax because now a days teachers get in trouble for the smallest things when it comes to their students. Teachers need to be a little strict with their students. Students need to learn from their mistakes and even learn from themselves and others as they experience new things. Teachers are there to guide their students to being the best they could be.

Thursday, September 26, 2013

#11: Inspiration Comments

Erika: I really liked her idea of each student illustrating their own character. It brings in the use of technology as well as the creativity of the students.

Jacqueline: I loved her clipart pictures! The Bingo board game is a great idea to keep the interest in the students while they are still relating to the book. Recording the students reading is a great way to see how the students need to improve or how they have improved!

Mary Kathryn: I liked the SuperWhy link that helps students put a story in chronological order! The craft is a great idea also to keep the kids interested in the lesson. I thought she did a good job in adding a back-up activity for the students who finish early because it is important to remember that all children learn differently and at different paces.

Amanda: I love the game Context Clue Millionaire. I can see how the students would enjoy this game and also learn from it. The whole lesson was very descriptive and organized. There was a great mixture of games and writing activities. Incorporatng parent involvement was a great idea.

Jordan: I love the topic of her lesson becuase it is teaching students about real life issues and how they can help with them. Bringing in people to tell their personal stories is a great idea for the students to really understand the impacts of hurricanes.

Jonathan: The matching quiz online is a great idea to keep students interactive while grading them. I liked that he incoraporated a lot of group acitivites for the students to work together and learn from each others ideas.  Very good ideas to help studets learn the different parts of WW2.


Tuesday, September 24, 2013

#10 Concept Map-Earth's Biomes

Earth's Biomes

With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one page in a single setting.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one), in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 (grade 4, grade 5) topics and texts building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

I.       Discussion

To begin the lesson on Earth's biomes, the students will be introduced to the different biomes found on Earth. I will discuss the 5 major categories of biomes: aquatic, deserts, forests, grasslands, and tundra. Within each biome, we will talk about places these biomes are mainly located, the type of weather each biome has, what kinds of animals live within each biome, and other characteristics that makes each biome unique. To help the students visualize each biome and the different characteristics, we will watch a video. After we have discussed all the biomes and watched the video, I will explain to the students the main activity they will be working on for this lesson. The lesson will be spread out over a few days, but each student will first choose a biome they liked the most from the 5 we discussed. To end this part of the lesson, the students will complete the fill in the blank activity worksheet about biome animals, which will lead into the next part of the lesson.  

A.    Watch Video

B.    Activity on different animals in Biomes

II.     Research

For the research process of the lesson, the students will have to decide on one biome they find most interesting and research about it. The students will be given time slots in class to research on the computer provided in the classroom. Additional research can be done at home if technology is available. While researching, the students will have to find out more details on their biome and select one animal they find most interesting that lives in that biome. They will decide on only one animal in the biome because they will pretend to be that animal as they write a paper on it and make a presentation to the class. After the students have done their research, they will fill out a worksheet explaining their biome and animal.

A.    Discover favorite animal through research

B.    Fill out worksheet

III.    Writing

The main focus for this part of the lesson is for the students to type a one page paper on their chosen biome and animal. Once again, students will be given time during class to type their one page writing assignment. Each student will also be given enough time to complete their writing assignment and each student will save it to the desktop of the computer in the classroom. I want the students writing to be fun and creative as they pretend to be an animal. They must discuss the characteristics they found out in their research about their animal and the biome they live in. Along with the writing assignment, the student must draw a picture of their animal and incorporate details of the biome they live in. They will draw their pictures sitting at tables in groups. The students will get to incorporate their own ideas and imagination into their pictures.

A.    Type 1 page on animal

B.    Draw and color picture

IV.    Group Proof-Read

After the students have come up with and typed out their one page paper on their animal and biome of choice, I will print each students paper off from the computer in the classroom so that each student will have a copy to share with a classmate. Each student will have partner and they will switch papers. They will read the others paper to learn about their animal and biome as well as make any visible corrections to the paper. After everyone has had time to read their papers, each student will make the corrections to their paper that their partner made. Then everyone will reprint their one page paper and turn it in for a grade.

A.    Break up into groups of 2

B.    Make corrections to paper

V.     Presentations

The lesson will end with each student giving a presentation of their animal. They will pretend they are their animal as they speak to the class. They can dress up like their animal or bring any props that go along with their animal or biome. They will also have to make a 5 slide PowerPoint on their animal and the biome they live in. They will include facts like what their animal eats, the weather of their biome, etc. The PowerPoint will also have to include pictures of their animal and its biome. In order to get full credit for their presentation, each student must print out an outline of their PowerPoint and turn it in. Directions on how to print out an outline on PowerPoint will be given.

A.    Be your favorite animal

1.    Dress up or bring props

B.    PowerPoint on Biome

1.    Print off PowerPoint in outline format

#9: "Safe Practices for Life Online"

1. Facebook, Twitter, Match.com
2. Consequences:
    - students can get expelled
    - decreases the amount of face-to-face interaction with others
3. Sexting -
    Cramming - Someone adding unauthorrized charges to a another persons phone bill (Google.com)
    Cookies - A piece of text stored by a user's web browser (Google.com).
    Trojan horse -
    Spyware -
    Rootkit -
4. These screen names are poor choices because they do not give a very good first impression of the student who has the account. The student with the account may think it is funny, but the people who read the screen name my find it very disturbing and not be able to take that person seriously.
5. The screen names just read out trouble. Somebody could easily harass the people with these screen names by calling them offensive names or trying to get with somebody.
6.  a. Tom_Evans34: This screen name gives the persons full name and possibly their age or favorite
     b. Missy-13: This screen name possible gives the persons first name and age.
     c. AndyKarateKid: This screen name gives the persons name and tells what they like to do for
        fun (karate).
     d. ViolinGurl: This screen name lets people know that this "gurl" plays the violin.
     e. restlinmatch: This screen name lets others know that this person likes to wrestle, but obviously
         cannot spell it correctly.
7. a. i8sushi2:
    b. Soccerstar:
    c. Puppygirl1234:
    d. KeKe1995: Bad. This screen name probably gives the nickname of the person and their year of
    e. Bookworm:
    f. 2BorNot2b:
    g. Choco-holic:
    h. CapitlOfens:
    i. AmrcanIdol2:
    j. Bellalsabella:
    k. DarkAngel666:
    l. Karla-Love-1996:
    m. SimplyMe:
    n. gUn4hiRe:
    o. babyfaceLA:
    p. Watup?:
9. a. no
    b. no
    c. -3
    d. +2
    e. +2
    f. +2
    g. no
    h. no
    i. no
    j. no
    k. no
    l. no
    m. no
    n. no
    o. +2
    p. -3
Total: +2
10. Most common:
      Least common:

#8: Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and The Padagogy Wheel

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy is a good process to learn when trying to understand the cognitive domain of others. Before we can understand a concept, we have to remember it. Before we can apply a concept, we must understand it. Before we can analyze a concept, we must be able to apply it. Before we can evaluate the concepts impact, we must have analyzed it. Before we can create it, we must have remembered, understood, applied, analyzed, and evaluated it. This makes students work through the whole process of development and evaluation and it is a great tool to use within the classroom. This gets the students thinking logically and on their own rather than the teacher lecturing to them. The Padagogy Wheel also does a great job breaking down the key terms of the digital taxonomy into specific action verbs, activities, and iPad apps to use within the classroom. The generation today is so consumed with technology that everything is switching over to being technical only and pretty soon teachers will have to know  exactly how to do everything on the computer. Within in my future classroom, I can incorporate more hands-on activities for my students to do that would incorporate some of the activities listed. I am just glad I am learning about all of these helpful computer programs and processes now.
Some ways I could incorporate Bloom's Digital Technology and/or the Padagogy Wheel in my future classroom are to ask my students open-ended questions in large group discussion to get them to start thinking critically and even have them write their answers on the SmartBoard.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

#7 Use Arts Integration to Enhance Common Core Summary and Opinion

The article "Use Arts Integration to Enhance Common Core" from the website Edutopia explains how the integration of subjects has the capacity to turn learning into meaningful practice. Integration requires work from both the teachers and the students, but combining two or more contents together will set the foundation for how we will be able to facilitate the CCSS. To many times the Arts Integration has been overlooked, but the articles explains that their implementation could be a beneficial addition for teachers and administrators. The article goes on to list and discuss the shared features of the Arts Integration which are process products produce, access points, true equity, and analytic practice. The lessons that are created from this approach are richer and more extensive than from a traditional approach. Arts Integration is engaging to students and teachers and it can connect to the students by analyzing the whole lesson through their own unique cultural, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. The article points out that Arts Integration is not hard to implement in the regular classroom and does not require much artistic skill from the teachers. Lastly, using Arts Integration will provide opportunities for teachers and students to create their own meaning.

I really enjoyed reading this article about Arts Integration. I think it is a great idea to incorporate artistic skills into lessons in the regular classroom. It will give the lesson a more hands-on approach to learning. Students will have to use their creativity, problem-solving skills, and collaboration with others. I like how the article said that almost everyone has one form of art, whether it be visual art, music, dance, or drama, with which they can connect too and use to make sense of the world around them. So why not expand on that form of art in the classroom? All forms of art are so popular right now with this generation of students and it will continue to grow, so I find it beneficial for them to connect their artistic abilities and interest into the classroom. I took Art for Elementary Teachers class last semester and we integrated some of history into an art lesson. It worked out great and I can see how students will be more engaged in a lesson when teachers incorporate something of their interest, especially something hands-on. What is also great about Arts Integration is that we can still meet and exceed the expectations set by the CCSS, but move into a culture of true inquiry and learning.