Thursday, November 21, 2013

#23: Web 2.0 Sites

*Mindmeister: (not free- demo only)
The benefits of mindmeister is being able to make a concept map. You can also make a slide show of your concept map so that not so much information is being displayed to students at one time. (free)
The benefits of spiderscribe is being able to create a concept map. You can insert images, dates, word document, and location. This is helpful for business purposes for planning out events. This has very limited visual aspects. This could be beneficial for the teacher when planning a lesson plan. (free)
The benefits of is being able to create a concept map. You can make sub-topics and import pictures. This is very useful for younger aged children. (free)
The benefits for lino are you can create boards with post notes, calendars, due dates, word documents, etc. There is an app for this site. More useful for the teacher than students. Can be useful for students to put group work on a board.

Photobucket: (free to upload a certain amount)
The benefits of photobucket are uploading photos and videos. Similar to pinterest and instagram. You can make it private.

Quintura kids:
The benefits of this site is a search engine. It would limit kids from finding information that they my not need to find.

The benefits of this site is a search engine. It has a filter bubble. Helps students search the internet with reliable resources.
The benefit is a search engine for kids and teens.

teacher and students can post comments

The benefits are students can share questions and comments or the teacher can post questions and comments for the teacher to see. Students can like comments. This site is good for older students.

It has different subjects to search for. Like a google search but safe for kids with reliable information.

concept map and search engine. shows key facts, web sites, videos, pictures about a certain topic you search. You can develop quizzes and have a journal
User friendly search engine

a good summary of articles in Wiki. Very organized site of information you want to search

combination of pinterest and conept map. It can connect you straight to the home page site of whatever you are looking for

search engine

online posterboards; timelines, class projects;

can record and edit music, speeches, etc. is free when you download

create and share videos; can search videos like youtube; it is a free website with an optional upgrade
can follow blogs, search a topic for blogs about that topic; has a lot more aspects than Blogger

can take notes while in class; can search within any document that you have to bring up similar documents

like google images, free to download, can download different sizes of images; search engine for pictures; anybody can use these pictures and are okay to use
can share information with others, like teachers; you can create groups

can insert images and cut out the mout to record something you want to be said. Teachers can use it for their classroom or school projects.

can make charts or concept maps

can upload pictures and videos; like a collage; can change the different styles of pictures and videos; can make a presentation

Book Builder:
can create your own books, can change book langauge or grade level, can insert text and images and illustrations

can make own websites and blogs; free; can put in audio and videos; also has a slideshow figure

ACMI: Storyboard Generator:
provides videos and personal stories about events;

*Tagul Clouds:
free; like Wordle but not as limited; there are different kinds of shapes and you can make them themed

basically a Facebook for teachers; did communities you can click on pertaining to different subjects

free website; can create quizzes, test, and games for students and you can create your own class and the students can get on
just like iTunes podcast; can post lectures; audio and video

can make comic strips;

free; can create charts

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