Sunday, December 1, 2013

#24: SAMR and LMS

     SAMR stands for Substitution Augmentation Modification Redefinition Model. It is a method for seeing how computer technology might impact teaching and learning. I think that teachers need to be educated on the many different types of computer technology so that we can implement them into our classrooms and teach our students how to use computer technology appropriately and efficiently. But as teachers teach students, in turn teachers need to be taught from other professionals on how to best have their work fit into the SAMR model. As for LMS, which stands for Learning Management System, teachers have to be educated on this as well. They must learn how to organize, operate and teach in an LMS environment. Too many classes, especially in college, are being taught through on online course setting. Online classes are only going to continue to be more popular and teachers and other administrators will have to know the ends and outs about LMS environments in order to better the teaching and learning of their students. Educators have to face the fact that times are changing and we, as teachers, have to change and keep up with the technological society we live in.

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