Tuesday, September 24, 2013

#8: Bloom's Digital Taxonomy and The Padagogy Wheel

Bloom's Digital Taxonomy is a good process to learn when trying to understand the cognitive domain of others. Before we can understand a concept, we have to remember it. Before we can apply a concept, we must understand it. Before we can analyze a concept, we must be able to apply it. Before we can evaluate the concepts impact, we must have analyzed it. Before we can create it, we must have remembered, understood, applied, analyzed, and evaluated it. This makes students work through the whole process of development and evaluation and it is a great tool to use within the classroom. This gets the students thinking logically and on their own rather than the teacher lecturing to them. The Padagogy Wheel also does a great job breaking down the key terms of the digital taxonomy into specific action verbs, activities, and iPad apps to use within the classroom. The generation today is so consumed with technology that everything is switching over to being technical only and pretty soon teachers will have to know  exactly how to do everything on the computer. Within in my future classroom, I can incorporate more hands-on activities for my students to do that would incorporate some of the activities listed. I am just glad I am learning about all of these helpful computer programs and processes now.
Some ways I could incorporate Bloom's Digital Technology and/or the Padagogy Wheel in my future classroom are to ask my students open-ended questions in large group discussion to get them to start thinking critically and even have them write their answers on the SmartBoard.

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