Wednesday, September 11, 2013

#7 Use Arts Integration to Enhance Common Core Summary and Opinion

The article "Use Arts Integration to Enhance Common Core" from the website Edutopia explains how the integration of subjects has the capacity to turn learning into meaningful practice. Integration requires work from both the teachers and the students, but combining two or more contents together will set the foundation for how we will be able to facilitate the CCSS. To many times the Arts Integration has been overlooked, but the articles explains that their implementation could be a beneficial addition for teachers and administrators. The article goes on to list and discuss the shared features of the Arts Integration which are process products produce, access points, true equity, and analytic practice. The lessons that are created from this approach are richer and more extensive than from a traditional approach. Arts Integration is engaging to students and teachers and it can connect to the students by analyzing the whole lesson through their own unique cultural, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. The article points out that Arts Integration is not hard to implement in the regular classroom and does not require much artistic skill from the teachers. Lastly, using Arts Integration will provide opportunities for teachers and students to create their own meaning.

I really enjoyed reading this article about Arts Integration. I think it is a great idea to incorporate artistic skills into lessons in the regular classroom. It will give the lesson a more hands-on approach to learning. Students will have to use their creativity, problem-solving skills, and collaboration with others. I like how the article said that almost everyone has one form of art, whether it be visual art, music, dance, or drama, with which they can connect too and use to make sense of the world around them. So why not expand on that form of art in the classroom? All forms of art are so popular right now with this generation of students and it will continue to grow, so I find it beneficial for them to connect their artistic abilities and interest into the classroom. I took Art for Elementary Teachers class last semester and we integrated some of history into an art lesson. It worked out great and I can see how students will be more engaged in a lesson when teachers incorporate something of their interest, especially something hands-on. What is also great about Arts Integration is that we can still meet and exceed the expectations set by the CCSS, but move into a culture of true inquiry and learning.

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