Tuesday, October 8, 2013

#15 Five Essentials To Create Connected Students

     This article makes some great points on how students should be educated if they are connected to anything online. Author Vicki Davis states, "...being connected isn't just for socializing; it's a life skill." Students need to learn the routes of the internet before they jump into the newest types of social media. There are essential skills for connecting that students need to know. First, Davis talks about a connected author. Students need to know how to write and communicate appropriately online. Second is a connected publisher. Students should upload some of their academic works online rather than only personal information. They need to start learning to be more professional. The third essential is a connected conversationalist. Students need to use their skills of making conversation and make their voice heard. Fourth is a strategic disconnector. While technology can be very addicting, students need to learn the appropriate times to put down their phones or shut off their computers. Everyone must find that happy medium of being connected but disconnecting when appropriate. The last essential is a curious, lifelong pursuer of ingenious solutions. Students need to learn to be creative and learn new things when using programs online. Schools must make time for investing and programming and using technology in order for students to be trained properly for this online world we live in.
      I liked this article because it was not making all positive points or all negative points on connected students. It is true that not all students are connected. Some may not be able to afford it while others may choose to stay disconnected. Whatever the situation, teachers must be careful what they ask their students to do or expect them to do regarding technology. All the essentials for a well-connected student that Davis mentioned were very accurate. I defiantly agree that students need to learn how to communicate appropriately online. Sloppy writers are not acceptable when someone publishes anything online for people to see. Also, I loved how Davis said, "While connecting is important, disconnecting is essential." I agree to this statement because when I went to the Philippines for two months I had no communication at all. Because I was completely disconnected from my life back in America, I was able to form the best friends and have the most sincere conversations with people. I did not have technology distracting me. I'm not going to lie, it was great being disconnected from the internet. It is important that everyone finds that balance of being connected and disconnect, but it is also important that when students or anyone for that matter are connected need to be smart and publish appropriate things.

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