Tuesday, September 24, 2013

#9: "Safe Practices for Life Online"

1. Facebook, Twitter, Match.com
2. Consequences:
    - students can get expelled
    - decreases the amount of face-to-face interaction with others
3. Sexting -
    Cramming - Someone adding unauthorrized charges to a another persons phone bill (Google.com)
    Cookies - A piece of text stored by a user's web browser (Google.com).
    Trojan horse -
    Spyware -
    Rootkit -
4. These screen names are poor choices because they do not give a very good first impression of the student who has the account. The student with the account may think it is funny, but the people who read the screen name my find it very disturbing and not be able to take that person seriously.
5. The screen names just read out trouble. Somebody could easily harass the people with these screen names by calling them offensive names or trying to get with somebody.
6.  a. Tom_Evans34: This screen name gives the persons full name and possibly their age or favorite
     b. Missy-13: This screen name possible gives the persons first name and age.
     c. AndyKarateKid: This screen name gives the persons name and tells what they like to do for
        fun (karate).
     d. ViolinGurl: This screen name lets people know that this "gurl" plays the violin.
     e. restlinmatch: This screen name lets others know that this person likes to wrestle, but obviously
         cannot spell it correctly.
7. a. i8sushi2:
    b. Soccerstar:
    c. Puppygirl1234:
    d. KeKe1995: Bad. This screen name probably gives the nickname of the person and their year of
    e. Bookworm:
    f. 2BorNot2b:
    g. Choco-holic:
    h. CapitlOfens:
    i. AmrcanIdol2:
    j. Bellalsabella:
    k. DarkAngel666:
    l. Karla-Love-1996:
    m. SimplyMe:
    n. gUn4hiRe:
    o. babyfaceLA:
    p. Watup?:
9. a. no
    b. no
    c. -3
    d. +2
    e. +2
    f. +2
    g. no
    h. no
    i. no
    j. no
    k. no
    l. no
    m. no
    n. no
    o. +2
    p. -3
Total: +2
10. Most common:
      Least common:

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