Friday, October 18, 2013

#17: Bullying

I think that bullying within schools has increased, but also a lot of bullying between students and teachers goes unnoticed. A lot of children are afraid to speak up if they are being bullied because they do not want to look like a "tattle-tale" or feel threatened anymore by the person who is bullying them. Boys and girls defiantly have a different way of expressing their bullying to others. Boys are more aggressive, while girls tend to use verbal language. Society today has put such an impression of how you should look and act in high school to be considered "cool" while everyone else gets made fun or/bullied if they do not meet those certain expectations. It is said that society has come to this point because we are all human and we are all the same. No one is better than someone else, and I think kids have difficulty getting this concept. To help prevent bullying in my classroom, I will teach my students what bullying is and the different types of bullying there are. Also, if they see any bullying or are being bullied themselves they should report it to their teacher or parents. I would love my students to walk out of my classroom knowing that they are no better than their peers next to them. I believe that a lot of bulling begins with the parents not communicate with their children or giving them the proper attention they need. When this starts to happen, children rebel against their parents because their parents ultimately do not care, therefore their children begin to hang out with people who may not be the best influence on their lives. If this starts to happen in my classroom, I would have a teacher-parent conference to see what is going on with the student at home and ways parents could become more apparent in their child's life to stop a bullying behavior. As of right now, I do not know how to handle every situation of bullying and it is going to be a learning process when I get into the classroom.

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