Tuesday, September 24, 2013

#10 Concept Map-Earth's Biomes

Earth's Biomes

With some guidance and support from adults, use technology, including the Internet, to produce and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others; demonstrate sufficient command of keyboarding skills to type a minimum of one page in a single setting.
Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one), in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 3 (grade 4, grade 5) topics and texts building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly.

I.       Discussion

To begin the lesson on Earth's biomes, the students will be introduced to the different biomes found on Earth. I will discuss the 5 major categories of biomes: aquatic, deserts, forests, grasslands, and tundra. Within each biome, we will talk about places these biomes are mainly located, the type of weather each biome has, what kinds of animals live within each biome, and other characteristics that makes each biome unique. To help the students visualize each biome and the different characteristics, we will watch a video. After we have discussed all the biomes and watched the video, I will explain to the students the main activity they will be working on for this lesson. The lesson will be spread out over a few days, but each student will first choose a biome they liked the most from the 5 we discussed. To end this part of the lesson, the students will complete the fill in the blank activity worksheet about biome animals, which will lead into the next part of the lesson.  

A.    Watch Video

B.    Activity on different animals in Biomes

II.     Research

For the research process of the lesson, the students will have to decide on one biome they find most interesting and research about it. The students will be given time slots in class to research on the computer provided in the classroom. Additional research can be done at home if technology is available. While researching, the students will have to find out more details on their biome and select one animal they find most interesting that lives in that biome. They will decide on only one animal in the biome because they will pretend to be that animal as they write a paper on it and make a presentation to the class. After the students have done their research, they will fill out a worksheet explaining their biome and animal.

A.    Discover favorite animal through research

B.    Fill out worksheet

III.    Writing

The main focus for this part of the lesson is for the students to type a one page paper on their chosen biome and animal. Once again, students will be given time during class to type their one page writing assignment. Each student will also be given enough time to complete their writing assignment and each student will save it to the desktop of the computer in the classroom. I want the students writing to be fun and creative as they pretend to be an animal. They must discuss the characteristics they found out in their research about their animal and the biome they live in. Along with the writing assignment, the student must draw a picture of their animal and incorporate details of the biome they live in. They will draw their pictures sitting at tables in groups. The students will get to incorporate their own ideas and imagination into their pictures.

A.    Type 1 page on animal

B.    Draw and color picture

IV.    Group Proof-Read

After the students have come up with and typed out their one page paper on their animal and biome of choice, I will print each students paper off from the computer in the classroom so that each student will have a copy to share with a classmate. Each student will have partner and they will switch papers. They will read the others paper to learn about their animal and biome as well as make any visible corrections to the paper. After everyone has had time to read their papers, each student will make the corrections to their paper that their partner made. Then everyone will reprint their one page paper and turn it in for a grade.

A.    Break up into groups of 2

B.    Make corrections to paper

V.     Presentations

The lesson will end with each student giving a presentation of their animal. They will pretend they are their animal as they speak to the class. They can dress up like their animal or bring any props that go along with their animal or biome. They will also have to make a 5 slide PowerPoint on their animal and the biome they live in. They will include facts like what their animal eats, the weather of their biome, etc. The PowerPoint will also have to include pictures of their animal and its biome. In order to get full credit for their presentation, each student must print out an outline of their PowerPoint and turn it in. Directions on how to print out an outline on PowerPoint will be given.

A.    Be your favorite animal

1.    Dress up or bring props

B.    PowerPoint on Biome

1.    Print off PowerPoint in outline format

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