Wednesday, October 9, 2013

#16 Augmented Reality Snags a Coveted Spot in Classrooms

     This article focuses on augmented reality apps which are becoming more popular in all aged classrooms. Author Laura Devaney says, "Augmented reality uses technology to blend the real world with interactive and enhanced content." This enhances the normal scene of whatever is being looked at. Students are able to use an iPad and hover over an object which will then connect them to videos or websites that further elaborate on that object. One teacher who uses augmented reality apps in her classroom says, "Students can explore, and they really dig deeper into their own learning." Students become engaged in their learning without even realizing it. These apps allow students to get a first person perspective on whatever is being taught. Lastly, augmented reality is becoming more accessible and is available in general and specialized formats.
     I think augmented reality apps are a great asset to the classroom. They will help students have a better and deeper understanding of a certain topic. It will also help incorporate technology into different lessons. I downloaded the app "Layar" which allows you to scan anything with a Layar logo, such as magazines, newspapers, books, product packages, and other items. This app also allows you to scan QR codes. It also has this new thing where you can scan movie posters to see current releases or to watch the trailer.

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