Monday, November 18, 2013

#22: Educause Sprint 2013

     The article about the EDUCAUSE Sprint 2013 sums up Webinar presenters and other participates ideas regarding MOOC's (massive open online courses). Higher education has been pressured for years to change some of its costs, its services, adapt new technologies, become more diverse, etc. Some of the most significant challenges higher education faces is today's students area different generation of learners and technology is expected anytime and anywhere because it is almost the new form of communication. According to some, the past year has been "the Year of the MOOC." The article says that about half of the participates believe that MOOCs are significant for higher education, while the other half are not sure. The uprising of MOOCs have the potential to change higher education's pedagogical model by creating new types of connected, interactive learning experiences. Also, it has been mentioned that MOOCs may have to start charging to generate revenue.  The entire atmosphere of a university community will change due to the implications of the MOOCs and institutions will need to rethink their IT infrastructure and IT services. The article ended with presenters strongly encouraging institutions to begin taking action to understand MOOCs.
     This article was very interesting but also a little scary to think about how much technology is taking over the higher educational system. There has already been a small shift of change of putting a lot of education resources online, but I can't imagine what it will be like in a few years. The article was so true when it said that today's students are a different generation because we have been raised on so much technology and that is the way we have learned to communicate to others. This article defiantly showed how education is moving from an information age to a connected age, and probably a lot faster than some expected.

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